*This is a Christian only event
NDC 2022 Main Coordinator
National Disciple-maker Conference (NDC) is a yearly conference organized by Malaysia Campus Crusade for Christ to gather believers throughout Malaysia to capture God's heart, His mission for us, to encourage one another in our journey of faith, and to be equipped as a disciple-maker of Jesus Christ.
Pick a region you wish to join
Join our workshops specifically for participants in Peninsular
Join our workshops specifically for participants in the Sabah Region of Malaysia!
Join our workshops specifically for participants in the Sarawak Region of Malaysia!
For further information, you can contact us directly either through our Facebook page or WhatsApp:
MCCC is an international mission organization with the calling to help fulfill
the Great Commission by winning, building and sending Christ-centered
multiplying disciples in the power of the Holy Spirit and helping the body of Christ
to do evangelism and discipleship. Our vision is to see movements everywhere
so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
© 2022 Malaysia Campus Crusade for Christ. All Rights Reserved.